KGB Protective Coatings specialise in the service of abrasive blast cleaning, protective coatings, general protective painting and maintenance to Commercial and Construction Industries and Government Departments. KGB Protective Coatings is accredited in ISO 9001 and PCCP Levels 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. Our applicators are experienced in coatings and linings used extensively in the Oil and Gas, Shipbuilding, Mining, Marine, Petro Chemical, Power, Infrastructure and Structural Steel industries.
Our facility is approximately 13,500 square metres, with 4,500 square metres under cover blasting, painting and the remainder as hard stand.
The size of the blast and paint facility allows for large volume throughput and due to the location this can be performed 24 hours a day 7 days a week without any interference or disturbance with surrounding neighbours.
Protective Coatings has qualified N.A.C.E Inspectors and can supply full inspection services. We only use qualified tradesman and can set up temporary paint facilities in client’s premises or can run clients paint facilities taking away the need to carry painters during quiet times.
Some examples of our work can be seen in “Recent Projects” on the Home page.
Some of our Clients and Projects include: